During December 2023 and January 2024, members of Mur.at began to learn how to use their instance of UpStage, which is live at https://upstage.mur.at/.
Helen gave a presentation, introducing UpStage and its tools – watch the video below. This was followed in January by a workshop, held at KiG! and led by Helen online and Eva Ursprung in the room in Graz. The workshop participants created accounts on upstage.mur.at and learned how to use the on-stage tools, and how to create their own stages and upload media to create their own cyberformances.
The Mur.at instance of UpStage demonstrates how groups and organisations can have their own independent UpStage: it’s hosted at Digital Ocean, where upstage.live is also hosted, and the UpStage developers can undertake maintenance and updates on it. Members of mur.at can administer their instance – approving players and creating their own performances there.